So yesterday was Toby's 30th b-day!!!!!!!! Even though i don't turn 30 for another 1.5 years, i feel like this is a start of a new decade for both Toby and I. I'm scarred and anxious about it, but also excited and expectant. There's so must in store for us, not only for the rest of our lives, but so much will be jammed packed into our 30's. This is when all the important stuff in our life will go down. We're planning on having kids, I'm going to finish my PhD and start a new career, we'll probably buy a house, move, do some more traveling...There is so much i want to cram into my 30's and I'm planning on doing it all! So I'm not going to be down on this new decade, but move forward, head on and enjoy all the things we're going to do. It's the future after all, if i can't look forward to it, what else is there?
So for those of you that care...I'll like to fill in the blanks since November.
Went to Indianapolis for the Society of Free Radical Biology and Medicine conference (i do no recommend Indianapolis in's freakin cold as expected, but still miserable).
Had my first dissertation presentation, which went well...i think
Finished my semester!
Gave a seminar presentation for the Barshop Institute on Aging..which was nerve wracking!! I think i did ok, it wasn't horrible and that's what matters!!
Attended Zach and Barb's wedding-we had a great time!
Lisa moved down with the baby :)
Started the semester :(
Spending more and more time with Lisa and Jocelyn--see her new blog
Picked a topic for my qualifying exam and submitted my abstract
Busted butt in lab to get some results...still nothing earth shattering!
Started trying to work out more-attending aerobics and cycling far, average/week=2. Next goal for Feb-3/x week.
February is going to be extremely busy-we're going skiing in Durango, Co the 14-18. I was convinced to take snowboarding lessons this year, so we'll see if i turn by back on skiing (my first true snow sport love). I have to finish my qualifying exam written report which is going to take most of my time in the evenings and weekends :(
We're still getting Katlynn every other weekend and she has been great lately. We enjoy the time with her and she seems to enjoy it also. We don't think we'd give up our weekends ever!
So, I'd like to end this blog with some pictures from the last couple of months:

Random note: one of my pictures from Chicago was picked to be in Schmaps,-87.84599&bottomright=41.64316,-87.4601&i=2015D10_1.jpg